Argentina Flag

Argentina Flag

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20th

Hola Familia!
Well we finished another transfer! I seriously cant believe how fast the time has gone by! I feel like i just got to rio grande yesterday! Transfers were crazy. My comp Hermana Miranda got transferred to a different area and it was sad to see her go, but shes been here for almost 5 months so it was time for her to go help other parts of the mission. my new companion will be Hermana Allen and she´ll get here tomorrow or wednesday. She was in my zone in Caleta, but she served in one of the smaller towns in the zone so i only saw her in sone meetings but she is really nice and can play the piano really well hahaha so prayer answered! ;) Right now i´m with hna gomez and hna martin in a trio. Our zone super changed because they sent the zone leaders to centro and they took out the hnas from centro which means that hna burt and hna ledesma are leaving on wednesday :(. Hna burt is super mad lol she only got a month and a half on the island and yet again she has a different comp, she´s had a different one each transfer pobrecita! But its ok because we have big plans for our missions. we always joke that we´re gonna open calafate for hermanas one day hahaha IN OUR DREAMS.

This week we were able to teach Heros more he lacks a little bit in his testimony of joseph smith and he needs to come to church. Pray for him to come to church!! we seriously have a blast everytime we teach them and i just love him and nahuel so much! such amazing people! This week we contacted a lot and visited a lot families and people in the area so hna miranda could say goodbye. We met with a really fantastic brother and sister Fabianna and Luciano. Shes 18 and hes 14 fabiana came to church because they´re neighbor invited them and then she asked us if we could help her find a skirt for sundays. They are old investigators from a couple years ago and they are seriously so great. Luciano was going to be baptized but his parents didnt give him permission because he was so young. Pray that their parents can have open hearts and that they can be baptized because they have a baptism date for the 16th of May! They are both wonderful!!

funny moment: Nahuel was looking at my facebook and he saw the pic of us with tutu and said ´wow ellos son sus hermanos....son bien morachos!´ lol that means that we´re all really brown/tan hahahahaha

other funny moment we were talking about service and hna miranda said sometimes we pass up opportunities to serve, and nahuel said like when people sneeze and we dont say bless you. heros and I were dying we were laughing so hard. oh man so much love for those two.

Well i´ll tell you all about Hermana Allen and our new adventures in the next week! Love you all lots and hope that you have a great week! 

besitos y abrazos 
Hermana Lock

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